
I'm Pregnant!

Well, it has been a very long time since my last post!  And lots has changed!  Quick update...outside of the title info....--I completed my term as a missionary in NYC and moved back to OH--I started, and completed my first semester of Seminary at Methodist Theological School in Ohio--I am pregnant!That is about the gist of it...ok, so some details on the final point...
On February 7th I found out I was pregnant.  As most you know, the chances, medically, of this happening were VERY unlikely--ok, like none--so needless to say, I was VERY shocked.  Even the staff of the doctor's office, including the docs, were highly shocked.  So after laughing through the shock, excitement set in.  Shermaine (My boyfriend of the last 4.5 years) and I are excited and preparing to be parents.  I have had fun buying furniture for the baby's room, cute clothes, and taking the wonderful "hand-me-downs" given to me by wonderful friends.  We have registered at Babies R Us (where I am now working part time!), so if you want to check it out and give me any suggestions, just look it up under my name.
I will take the fall semester off of school, and then after I will probably finish this second master's degree a class or two at a time.  Let's face it, I don't need another degree, but I would still really like the knowledge, and it will be a great connection for my work with The UMC.  I am living with my parents in Akron, and will remain here for now.  My mom will be a great help when the baby comes, and considering how excited she is, I am not sure I will be doing much outside of feeding this baby!  
I am now six months along (25 weeks tomorrow to be exact), and feeling much, much better. The first 22 weeks were a bit rough, but I feel great now.  We have had a mid-term ultrasound and all is well--baby is on target with weight and growth, YEAH!!  The baby is very active, and likes to keep mom up at night, but I love every moment! Before you ask, we are not finding out the baby's gender and we are not sharing any names we have picked out (and yes those are finalized!)  
I am going to try and do my best to use this blog to keep everyone up to date on baby progress, so as soon as blogger will let me (technical difficulties tonight), I will post some current pictures of "us".  Just as a note, to me the pictures make me look much bigger than I really am, or maybe that is just how I was feeling in them!  Thank you in advance for your support and love and prayers.  Each of you have touched my life, and I look forward to the ways you will touch this baby!
Peace and blessings,


Blogger Rachel said...

Hooray! Congratulations on healthy reports. I'm very excited for you.


9:41 PM  
Blogger Jennifer Garten said...

You look beautiful! I am praying for you all!

Much love,

10:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i love that you are blogging again!! can't wait to hear all of the baby updates!!!

6:44 AM  

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